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Member Since 31 Jul 2009
Offline Last Active Jul 31 2009 05:58 PM

Topics I've Started

RageQuit Weaponry, (level 25)

05 September 2009 - 08:02 AM

I finalized and posted the first wave of weaponry on the Illuminati Work Orders forums. As I said in my other post the Weapon Refinement Stones (Now called Weapon Flux in 1.5) Will be the hard to come by item. We need every orb we loot as well as every orb your legion can get its hands on. We will farm all the other mats easily enough. Just to show you guys exactly what we will be doing on the first phase of the weapons order below is pulled from our forums for you guys to see:

RageQuit Weapons Order, Phase One

Player Name: Mystic, Legion Leader of RageQuit

Craft Requested:
Legion Melee Weaponry
(07)--(110 Skill)--(15% Chance for Green)--Titanium Dagger - For Assassins Mainhand
(07)--(120 Skill)--(12% Chance for Green)--Titanium Sword - For Assassins Offhand
(07)--(140 Skill)--(09% Chance for Green)--Titanium Greatsword - For Templars
(07)--(150 Skill)--(06% Chance for Green)--Titanium Polearm - For Gladiators

Minimum Skill before Attempts: 190

Monster Farmed Materials:
168 - Weapon Flux

Gathered Materials:

1008 - Titanium Ore
448 - Aether Crystals

Store Bought Materials:

1008 - Charcoal --------(301,400 Kinah)
140 - Titanium Acid ---( 70,000 Kinah)

~~~~~~~~~~On High Quality Proc~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Monster Farmed Materials:
6 -Worthy Weapon Flux

Gathered Materials:
4 - Aether High Purity Crystals
4 - High Purity Titanium Ore

Estimated Total Cost: 375,000 Kinah (For Baseline Craft)
Budgeted Total Cost: 500,000 Kinah (For High Quality Procs)

Project Management:

Operations Coordinator - Quen
Titanium Gathering Lead - Ariah
Aether Gathering Lead - Quen
Weapon Flux Acquisition - RageQuit/Illuminati
Weaponsmithing - TBD (Weapons Officer Position Unassigned)
Kinah Budget Coordinators - Quen/Grayedon

Illuminati, The Raiders of the Economy

04 September 2009 - 07:27 AM

Im not on my carebear forums so Im not going to sound all professional and re-read my post a half dozen times before posting it. So here it goes:

I spoke with Mystic a bit the other day and in our chat he expressed a heads up to me on what kind of order demands would be coming down the pipe as the leveling race fired up. I wanted to be ready for it.

And a fuck load of it.

You guys will be needing a Metric Fuck-Ton of weaponry to outpace the leveling curve.
We intend to supply it to you as best as we can.
I have expressed this to my officers and within 24 hours ill have my 75% minimum votes to be transferring the post to the members board outlining our objectives and strats. (I have 4 of the 9 officers on board now)
There will only be one major cockblock to this.

Weapon Refining Orbs.

They are required at a rate of 5-9 PER CRAFT and its not something you can walk up and click on like everything else. We will be funneling all our orbs to our legion bank but I know its not going to be enough.

If you guys can toss us your crafting orbs we should be able to take care of the rest. Dont waste your time clicking on nodes and gathering shit, thats our job. You guys level and focus on being mass murdering fuck heads like I know you are =)
Just as you kill shit remember, we need those orbs to fill your orders.
Level 50 is the first goal!
After that you guys can level up your personal crafting skill at your leisure.

Mystic also conveyed to me that you guys will probably be gearing up a couple tanks with armor and I also intend to be focused on fulfilling that as well. Just aheads up, I personally was ahead of the leveling curve on both Weaponsmithing and Armorsmithing during the CBT weekends. So I am VERY familiar with its resource consumption.

As I said just keep throwing us the craft orbs as you level, I will keep sending the gear to Mystic to distribute. Im not going to pretend like i know who deserves what gear when. Im just here to bag your groceries and take them to your car.

If you have a couple hours to kill, and you want to know the REAL basis behind our legion, then you should check this documentary out on the Original Illuminati from history books:

So Recap:
You front us Weapon Stones, we throw weaponry at you as fast as we can.
You front us Armor Stones, we throw top notch tank gear to outfit a couple tanks.

End Game:
You will be using all PvP gear and no longer need our crafting for equipment.
We will be producing Siege weaponry and tagging along on your fortress sieges to help speed the number of fortresses you guys can capture during the 2 hour window.
We benefit by being able to shout to you guys for help when were being ganked and camped while trying to farm.
You benefit by dedicated help to lead the leveling curve
We benefit by having the privilege of doing "some" PvP with The Top PvP legion.
You benefit by having the Siege Weaponry to blitz fortresses.

Its a Win Win deal.