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Member Since 31 Jul 2009
Offline Last Active Jul 31 2009 05:58 PM

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In Topic: Illuminati, The Raiders of the Economy

06 September 2009 - 12:36 AM

I am not sure exactly how much Kinah you consider "A Few Grand" but I assure you level 25+ weaponry will be in the range of 75k+ and thats for PoS greens. If you want to front your own weaponry that's fine by me. Just let me know what class your rolling and i will subtract it from the work order on our forums.

Sounds easier to me to hit a mailbox and send the red spheres to Quen than browse the trade broker trying to find a good deal or inspecting all of the 276508374650287 shops in sanctum.

In the end the decision is yours! Just let me know and I will update the work order for my team.


In Topic: Illuminati, The Raiders of the Economy

04 September 2009 - 07:57 AM

Its probably going to be me or Ariah.


In that order.
Preferably me, I have no life, and Ariah is a full time student.

In Topic: Illuminati, The Raiders of the Economy

04 September 2009 - 07:41 AM

Oh, and here is whats sitting up on our officer forums that I mentioned. I should be moving it to the member forums within a day or so. Just so you guys can have an advanced behind the scenes look on what your allied with.


Before I post this to the members area, I want your feedback. Is there anything I need to change? Do you guys agree with everything here? This is open for discussion!

Hey Members, Listen up!

This legion is all about Economic Dominance.

Flatly Put, RageQuit raids Asmodians, We Raid The Economy.

With that said here is the outline of how this is going work.

First and foremost we have to level fast.
Being ahead of the leveling curve is hella important.
Supply & Demand is the law that governs.

If were 1st to endgame..
were 1st to gather
and 1st to craft.

So we can price Gouge and get away with it at the start.

This legion is only going to be a great as the work put into it,
And let me tell you thats going to be alot up front, but it pays off.

Every member will have expectations:

Officers of Crafts:
These people have the up front costs.
They have to max their profession before or damn near level 50.
Non officers CAN be crafters, but are not REQUIRED to be crafters.
Having a half dozen Alchemists will be needed end game.
Officers will be making 100% of the crafts regarding their profession.

Gear for RageQuit
Gear for Members.
Gear to sell on the Trade Broker
~In that Order till End Game~
So gatherers spend 4 hours gathering,
trust me these officers will be spending just as much time crafting,
browsing the Trade Broker, and gathering for themselves in their free time.
Aside from that, they will be the ones putting in $$$ for their professions.
Exceptions will be made to accommodate finances -once the Legion Coffers are sufficiently stocked
Keep in mind, the best gear comes off "Proc's"
So 10-20-maybe 30 crafts will be attempted to get that one bad ass high selling piece of gear.

The Lifeblood of the Legion
The Primary Gatherers.
YES, you will be spending a few hours a day a few days a week gathering.
YES, your gear will be made for you
YES, you will get a cut of the Legion Profits
YES, you will have the Allianced Protection of RageQuit.
Dont get me wrong, your not going to just be gathering all day and thats your only role.
We will be participating in Abyss Sieges with RageQuit and getting the end game PvP gear that goes with.
We will be participating in End Game raids and dungeons and having a blast.
You will be having fun!

Not only will I be spending hours a day on our forums doing behind the scenes work
My role is Operations Officer, as well as Aether Gathering Officer.
I will be spending hours wings out in the air sucking up those crystals.
Aether Gathering is the most tedious and time consuming gather in the game.
I would not ask my fellow legion members to do something I am not willing to do.
My gear will come last to craft. All I ask for is Flight Timer Enhancements to aid in my Aether Gathering
(Particularly the Flight manastones off the questline)

The Legion Plan:
-Level to 50 as fast as possible.
-Have a weaponsmith maxing out his/her skill ahead of the leveling curve
-Craft Fresh Weapons to ensure RageQuit is ahead of the leveling curve to protect us.
-Max out our officers Professions ASAP
-Begin Gathering Like Crazy.... Seriously.. This is VITAL..
-Once we have satisfied the initial wave of RageQuit orders
----they will be getting PvP gear and not needing us to craft their gear anymore.
----But because of our initial dedicated support they will continue to keep to the alliance
----even after the initial rush to level 50.
-Then, let the economic raiding begin!
We will be crafting all of the end game gear for the server.
We will be selling it on the Trade Broker for whatever price we decide
Because were the only steady supply of it.
Our financial strength will be enough by then that the legion can buyout and repost our competition to our own decided prices and continue to draw a profit. That is the goal, setting the server prices and being at minimum 55% of the supply for the server.

Legion Profits:
Every Two Weeks, Like a Paycheck, Our contributing members will be paid a cut of the Legion Profits.
Once we hit Level 50 and we have a sufficient supply of money in the legion bank to be an economic contender,
We will establish a "Par Funds" value.
Anything the legion makes over that par amount will be considered profit.
75% of the Legion profits will be split among the contributing legion members
and the other 25% will go back into the Legion bank and establish a New Par Value for the next two week cycle.

100,000,000 Kinah is in the legion bank.
We craft and sell on the trade broker and in two weeks we turn over a total of:
400,000,000 Kinah putting the legion at 500,000,000 Kinah
This 400,000,000 Kinah will be considered the two week profits and 75% will be distributed to the members.
Thats 300,000,000 Kinah in Dividends.
So lets say we have 30 members who met the contribution minimums for the two weeks.
Each member would receive 30,000,000 Kinah in their mailbox for that two week cycle.
Most of them from just gathering nodes a couple hours a day a few days a week!

As the legion bank grows in money we will begin mass production of Siege Weaponry.
Siege Weaponry is the most sought after crafted items in the game.
A Siege Weapon Requires:
Max Skill in Cooking to make the Fuel
Max Skill in Weaponsmithing to make the Struts
Max Skill in Armorsmithing to make the Wards
Max Skill in Sewing to make the Connector
Max Skill in Alchemy to make the Weapon Mold
Max Skill in Handicrafting to make the Weapon Core

Clicking on any one of these will combine them all into a Siege Weapon if all six are in 6 inventory.
These siege weapons as the tool tip says: Are effective in crushing the Abyssal Fortress Gate.

Here are what the Siege Weapons Look Like (I only have video of the Asmodian Version)


Since everyone else is so PvP Hungry, a crafting legion that can manufacture these steadily stands to profit greatly.
Thats where I want us to be.
With EVERY MMO will come Expansions.
When the first expansion comes and crafting is extended, Illuminati should have well more than enough funds to on the first day to max out our crafting skills to the new end game
and resume our dominance,
fund our leveling gear,
and continue raiding!

So all in all, everyone will contribute,
rake in the money,
be protected by the RageQuit Maffia err Legion
Get the honor of doing PvP with one of the TOP PvP groups across several MMOs
Raid among friends
And have a great time!

The Contribution Requirements will be decided at end game based on node availability, population, and gatherable values.
Ariah will be in charge of that end of the deal.

This will be heavy on the uptake and there will be about 4-8 weeks before the legion starts to turn a profit as the economy stabilizes and everyone hits end game. I ask that you guys hang in there. It will work, it will be worth it I promise you.

I did this same guild concept in Everquest 1 when it first came out and it rocked all the way till Planes of Power came out and we lost half our members to other MMOs. This is a VERY DOABLE THING and in the eyes of the MMO community we would be the first to pull something of this scale off. China has OUTLAWED the gold farming business and are actively shutting companies down and putting people in jail for it. We will not be having that kind of competition. NCSoft announced they will be doing regional IP enforcement. People will not be allowed to log in to our Aion unless they have a North American IP address.
WE WILL be the dominant ones
WE WILL have no competition
WE WILL pull this off guys!

So do you want to hold that reputation?
Be the first MMO legion to have an economic front and a power to be reckoned with?
Be Allianced with the top PvP Legions in the Game?
Have the ability to enjoy End Game with Luxury?

All this is within our grasp, all we need is a strong member core of 40+
Willing to spend a few hours a day 3-5 days a week gathering.
The officers will take care of the rest.
Comment on this, what changes need to be made? What comes off too brash? Anything I need to add? Whats your opinion and feel of whats going on? Post here, let me know. Every interview ive done i have basically said this, and I want it to get out formal so everyone knows whats expected of them.
After you have read this, vote number "3" on the poll above so I know you read the whole thing.
