Latest News

Steptember 29th, 2014 | Tail = Jail Department

We've settled into ArcheAge and are pleased enough with the game to take it seriously, making it the next RageQuit focus game. If you aren't playing Final Fantasy, you should really be playing ArcheAge.

July 27th, 2014 | Wait Didn't We Have a News Section Department

I absolutely forgot this section even existed. Whatever. Come play Final Fantasy with us, there's literally nothing else worth playing.

Aug 5th, 2012 | Getting Shit In Gear Department

We've locked down a server - Blackgate - and are in the process of discussing first-month lockdown and WvW leadership positions (to stack Commander on.) Hop on the GW2 forums and discuss it with us.

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Up coming events

[08.?.2014] FFXIV Patch 2.4

We can finally play Ninja. Yay. Just what we needed. Oh well, the anime fans will be happy, right? RIGHT, KERIPO?

[07.07.2014] FFXIV Patch 2.3

Plenty of new content, and the long-awaited Frontlines, which are surprisingly good. No Rogue/Ninja though.

[03.26.2014] FFXIV Patch 2.2

Leviathan, gardening, Hildebrand. Not a bad patch. Plenty of expansion on guild housing, thank god.