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[FW] Mikako App (attempt two... rawr)

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#1 Mikako



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Posted 28 November 2010 - 10:52 PM

Name: Railgun
Class: Marksman
Level: 31
Age: 23
Country: US
MSN: Crystalrayne@gmail.com
Mic: yea
Former Games: D2:LOD, Starcraft:Broodwar, Couterstrike, Ultima Online, Barbie's fantasy adventure... erm... I mean.. Quake 3, PWI
Former RQ Games: Never played with RQ at all... then again, since I was on the Raging Tides server.. how could I? (and in my defense... it was the newest server at the time.. so I figured I had the best chance of not being surrounded by max level players who were asshats while I was just learning the game.)
Reference: Liberation and Ruin
Interest: RQ stands out to me as... well... the guild to be in, or against. From reading a few posts and stuff, it seems that there isn't much middle ground to be had... which intrigues me. If I am going to go charging blindly into a new game with new people, I figure that I should do it right this time and make damn sure I am surrounded by people with the experience and strength to lead properly. I made the mistake in PWI of joining the first random guild that accepted me... and gradually became dumber by the shit they pulled, until I grinded my ass off and made it into the strongest guild at the time (Infamy) and impressed a good portion of them with my healing (while being a good 10-20 levels below the "minimum" requested level for most instances.) I can't say that I am spectacular at FW since it isn't out yet, all I can do is base my assumptions on crap that I accomplished in PWI, and I expect FW to end up the same as most games... an very low player base for healers who understand that they need to heal and not attack... and yet still be able to stay the fuck alive if some idiot ends up getting the squad killed. After playing Beta for a bit, I have learned that Priests are expensive as hell once again and need another character to supplement their income, so I pretty much put the priest on hold for a while and went on with the Marksman that I am applying with now... it is a whole lot more fun, and as Liberation put it... I must have drop hacks on this char.

... yes, I copy-pasta'ed most of this from my recent app. I <3 you that much.
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#2 Mystic


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Posted 29 November 2010 - 06:10 AM


Sakaretsu (26 November 2012 - 02:25 PM): that's not a story it's a spritesheet fuck off keripo you don't even play RO

FW's head moderator says:
Picture in your minds eye upturning a huge burlap sack that says "mail" on it, and having a mountain of envelopes and stuff pour out of it. Except instead of saying "mail" it just says "complaints" and all of them are about ragequit members.

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